Carrington Umbrella Submits First Gender Pay Gap Report

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Carrington Umbrella has now grown to a size where we are required to submit a Gender Pay Gap Report. Our first report has been completed and submitted to the Government Equalities Office.

Written Statement

Carrington Umbrella employs hundreds of UK contractors across a variety of industry sectors. Our employees source the majority of their assignments via recruitment agencies and routinely negotiate contract rates with the agency. As a business, we do not discriminate in any way when taking on new employees or establishing their respective pay rates.

All employees of Carrington Umbrella receive equal pay for equal work. Rates of pay can vary depending on the industry sectors, experience and the roles that the employees engage in. That said, we closely monitor and track the progress of the gender gap. 

Carrington Umbrella can confirm that the figures listed in our report are accurate and have been calculated in accordance with the Gender Pay Gap Reporting requirements, as outlined in the legislation and accompanying guidance: gender pay reporting